Training our Next Generation of Leaders in Family Medicine

Scholarly Research & Opportunities

Help Shape the Future of Family Medicine

As a resident in the Family Medicine Residency Program at Community Healthcare Network, you will be encouraged to collaborate with faculty to participate in research on a wide range of topics within the field of Family Medicine. These research initiatives offer an opportunity for in-depth exploration of the factors that influence health outcomes in a complex urban environment, including those that go beyond clinical practices.

All Publications

A Worthwhile Tool in Evaluating Worrisome Lesions
Owji, S., Aguwa, C., Han, J., Yassky, D., Luu, Y., Glausser, M., Gulati, N., Ungar, B., Napolitano, D., & Ungar, J. (2023). The Journal of Family Practice, 72(7), E1–E22.
Chasing Compliance: Initiatives to Boost Stool-Based Colorectal Cancer Screening in Primary Care
Daniel Napolitano, MD; Ashley Klimavicius, MA; Jenny Zhang; Daniel Soto
measuring blood prssure
Improving Blood Pressure Control Through Simple, Operational Interventions
Rebecca Lee, MD; Daniel Napolitano, MD; Annie Cummings, LCSW; Ernell Payne, BSN, RN; Brianna Bouchez, DNP, FNP-C; Maria Pizzirusso, DNP, MPH, FNP-BC
Take Care Of Yourself (TCOY) Tremont! ​ A Collaborative Community Adolescent Health and Wellness Program Targeting Childhood Obesity
Rebecca Lee, MD; Alvin Lin; Mercedes Rojas, RN; Anna Rickards, MS, RDN, CDN, IBCLC; Paul Regoord; Yesenia Yangas; Idania Duran; Jovel Albert; Lexis Concepcion; Abbie Gellman, MS, RD, CDN; Yanir Cedeno; Wanda Mendez
Integrating Early Childhood Nutrition within the Healthy Steps Model
Madeleine Amdur, LMSW, MPH, and Concepcion Bulo, MS, RDN, CDN, CLC
Food, Health & Choices (FHC): Using Focus Group Data to Determine Effective Family Supports.
Bhana H, Islas A, Paul R, Rickards A, Contento IR, Lee H, et al. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2014;46